Flash Technology building in Franklin Tennessee USA
ā€œServe the customer and speak the truth. It may not give you a sale every time, but it will give you a steady stream of customers.ā€

– Stig W. Jorgensen, co-founder of Flash Technology

Flash Technology's History


Harold Edgerton

EG&G logo

MIT professorĀ Harold EdgertonĀ (a pioneer ofĀ high-speed photography) partnered with his graduate student Kenneth Germeshausen to found a small technical consulting firm.Ā The two were joined by fellow MIT graduate student Herbert Grier in 1934. Bernard “Barney” O’Keefe became the fourth member of their fledgling technology group.


The group’s high-speed photography was used to imageĀ implosionĀ tests during theĀ Manhattan Project. The same skills in precisely timed high-power electrical pulses also formed a key enabling technology for nuclear weapon triggers. After the war, the group continued their association with the burgeoning military nuclear effort and formally incorporated Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier, Inc. in 1947.


Stig W. Jorgensen

Stig W. JorgensenA native of Stockholm, Sweden where he studied mechanical and electrical engineering, Stig W. Jorgensen came to the United States to find work in production engineering. Stig worked for MIT Professor Edgerton, the inventor of flash strobe photography.


Sanders Associates, Inc

Sanders Associates Inc logo

Stig moved to New Hampshire to work for Sanders Associates, Inc. Sanders was a defense contractor from 1951 to 1986, when it was bought by Lockheed Corporation.


(The first home video game console was developed as a side project by Sanders and sold to Magnavox.)


FSW Inc.

Flash Technology Corporation of America's logo in 1970


FSW Inc. was founded on July 31, 1970 by Fred Gronberg, Stig Jorgensen and Wayne Kearsley.


Stig met Wayne at Sanders Associates where they both were working, while Fred was employed at EG&G.Ā The company would later be named Flash Technology Corporation of America, as they focused on using the strobe technology learned from Dr. Edgerton.


Modern Technical Service, Inc.

Flash Technology logo in 1990

William Sommers purchased Flash Technology. The company also owned Modern Technical Service, Inc. (MTS), a tower service company.


Wind Turbine Lights

Flash establishes first sales for wind turbine lighting


American Tower

Flash Technology 2000 logo

Flash Technology was sold to American Tower, a Boston, MA-based wireless infrastructure provider.


SPX Dielectric Communications

Flash Technology 2003 logo

Flash Technology was sold to SPX and became a part of its Dielectric Communications subsidiary.


Vanguard Red FTS 371

Vanguard Red FTS 371 and Vanguard Red FTS 371 SMART product introduced for FAA A-type towers


Solar Airfield, Obstruction and Marine Acquisition

Carmanah TechnologiesSPX purchases the solar airfield, obstruction and marine business lines from Carmanah Technologies Corporation to create a global aids to navigation (ATON) platform.


Vanguard High FTS 270

Flash launches line of LED high intensity obstruction lights, the Vanguard High FTS 270


SPX Acquires Sealite, Avlite Systems and Star2M

Sealite logoAvlite logo





SPX TechnologiesĀ acquires Sealite and affiliated entities Avlite Systems and Star2M. These businesses have become a key operating company in SPXā€™s Aids to Navigation (ā€œAtoNā€) business platform, alongside Flash Technology and Sabik Marine, reporting through SPXā€™s Detection & Measurement segment. Read more.


SPX Acquires International Tower Lighting, LLC

Previous company logo for International Tower Lighting, LLC

SPXĀ acquiresĀ International Tower Lighting, LLC. ITL is a leader in the design and manufacturing of obstruction lighting and monitoring solutions. They provide precision optical designs that meet and exceed FAA requirements. Full Press Release.